Our Insatiable Thirst for Entertainment Might Kill Us All

The Trump Show

Leonardo Del Toro
4 min readJun 24, 2024

If you can get past your anger and hatred for DT and cultivate a detached, compassionate, and critical view, you will see something extraordinary, complex, and sad: that we’ve been all dupped by a clown. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I feel sorry for Donald, and I feel sorry for all of us.

We are partly responsible for not realizing we’ve been seduced by entertainment all along and are guilty of sponsoring it with our undivided attention. However, unlike an average clown show, this one has serious consequences because the clown could become the president of the United States. If we start understanding that it is all show, we’ll be at least looking at the truth, and the truth will set us free.

The more outrageous he is, the more interested we all become. We want to see how far he can go, and we bite the bate every time. The more attention we give him the more powerful he become and more able to transform lies into truths

Trump is an entertainer at heart. At least, entertainment is his most significant success. But as we shall see, this came about not by choice but by force, like a cornered dog that has to fight to survive.

He’s been said to be quite dry and dull when he isn’t speaking professionally. It’s funny…

