Trump’s Seven Points Strategy to Crash our Economy

Because everything he touches turns to shit

Leonardo Del Toro
7 min readMar 7, 2024

There are two types of economy: the first is when everyone is doing well and can fully enjoy and participate in some of the country’s overall wealth; social services paid by taxpayers somehow cover everyone. The second is when the country has a large amount of wealth, but only a few participate, and wealth is concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer individuals. Social services here are few and mostly privatized. But if Trump wins, we are about to enter a whole new level of injustice and inequality

For some inexplicable reason, many in the United States, and not only the MAGA nut cakes but the power elite, are firmly determined to make Donald Trump the supreme ruler of America. They believe one man above the law can care for their ideological and political agenda. At the same time, the responsible adults in the room are terrified of what they are witnessing: the installation of a Russia-like regime that is about to rape the United States and destabilize the world. But don’t fear a fake dictator

Trump is no Mussolini, Putin, or Hitler. These actual dictators had an agenda and an ideology. Trump, on the other hand, has no agenda, no plan, no nothing. He is a terrible businessman who bankrupted every business he touched. The only

