To What Country Are You Moving to When Putin Takes Over America?

Plan now before you can’t get out

Leonardo Del Toro
4 min readFeb 26, 2024
Image: Lexica

Disclaimer: This post is highly pessimistic but also based on high probability and dashes of Murphy’s law with notes of despair and hope

Ironically, some of us escaped our countries of origin, fleeing authoritarian regimes, and the United States was our chance to start a new life. But what was once a solid democratic foundation and a safety standard is no longer trustable. A progressive erosion of social securities and services, lack of education, and misinformation have created the perfect storm for lurking tyrants.

Led by a pathological liar and allegedly funded by an international foe, Americans have turned against their best interest. Unaware of the dangers, and as if possessed by some demon, they believe and fervently want a dictator without knowing what that even means.

We must stop and ponder what will happen to America if we lose the battle for democracy. What will we do? How will that affect our daily life? Will there be any mechanism to revert the actions of a lawless state since we will no longer have the rule of law and democratic means as our courts will be quickly packed with sycophants? As we already witnessed, the loyalty of sycophant zombies has no limits

