This is My Last Article For Medium

Comes a time when you realize you just have to move on

Leonardo Del Toro
4 min readSep 15, 2022


In my youth days, my best friend Lucas and I used to come back from great parties late at night, and we certainly had more than a few beers. One of these nights it was rainy and windy, Lucas pointed out to a traffic light swinging in the wind and changing from red to green to yellow while in the middle of this lonely and windy night, no cars were passing by, and he said: Hey man when I see a traffic light in the middle of the night, it always reminds me of a drunk homeless guy from the street talking to no one.

For some reason, Lucas’ profound and crazy poetry stuck with me all these years. But what does that has to do with me not wanting to write for Medium anymore? Becasue that is precisely how I feel when I write for Medium: like a drunk in the middle of the night babbling at no one. It’s just not fun anymore.

I love to write, see my article being born, look at the great fonts, and select great pictures; the Medium design is excellent, simple, and charming. But doing this later became a meaningless exercise. I feel I’m doing it for myself, and it doesn’t involve anyone. And yes, I have one of two people who read my articles these days, and I’m happy they do. But it wasn’t always this way.

