The Day I was Replaced by Another

I really didn’t see that coming

Leonardo Del Toro
4 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Daria Obymaha

Today, all I have are memories of when we were together, and we used to go places. Now, all I feel is that I’m no longer the one. But what really hurts me is that I no longer relevant and the one he loves and need. To know he is having fun with another—the younger one, hurts

You can only know this if you feel it on your skin and body: the pain of feeling left out, the realization that all we had was gone, the empty feeling. Not only that, but I also fear what will become of my life from now on. Will I ever find someone to love me?

There is also this terrible feeling that I’m no longer adequate or smart enough, and as I age, I’m also irrelevant to his wants and needs. But I know how good I was for him and how I made him think differently and arrange things in a certain way, and only I could do that. But he does not see that anymore, and that hurts me a lot. I thought he could go places on his own power. But he had to find another

Our relationship was always organic and natural. I took him places he couldn't go if it wasn’t for me, and I enjoyed seeing that he enjoyed it, too. It was a kind of symbiotic relationship based on natural love mechanics.

Before I met him, he was in such disrepair, and I saved him from being lazy. Something…

