The day I Became so Angry, my Dog had to come to the Rescue

My Dog Always Knows What’s going on with me

Leonardo Del Toro
3 min readNov 20, 2018


The other day I was watching a documentary about the seven cardinal sins. I didn’t realize anger was one of the seven sins, I’m such a bad Catholic. I wonder why anger would be a sin. People get angry here and there, so what.

But I have a God-given gift being mellow, so anger is not one of my regular sins. Being angry is not something I engage regularly but yesterday I got really angry at my dog. So mad it triggered a bunch of crazy toxic emotions; and in the end, it depressed me. So let me share this with you because I know you are also a mad sinner (sometimes).

I happen to have a dog, a pug who happen to be very spoiled, and I have only myself to blame. I regularly give him bacon, cheese and pork ribs and he of course, loves it. People say, don’t do it, its bad for them; for Christ’s sake these animals have been eating garbage for millions of years. Pugs are gourmet dogs and absolutely obsessed with eating. It is simply impossible not to spoiled these gentle and silly creatures. But Chico has an evil side few people know. Every Christmas, when no one sees he regularly pees on the Christmas tree. I don’t know what possesses him to do such mischievous deed. This is pure Christmas evil.

