Quitting Coffee Have Significantly Lowered my Blood Pressure

Doctors will never tell you that

Leonardo Del Toro
4 min readMar 18, 2024

Most people don’t realize how much coffee changes them until they stop drinking. I’ve been drinking coffee for most of my life; it has become part of my metabolism. I decided to try this partly because so many people were praising the benefits of quitting. But I was also seeking a solution to my all-time high blood pressure. But there are other unknown benefits

One day, I just went cold turkey, and of course, the headaches started right away. But only for a few days. After that I felt miserable, but not your regular miserable, this was what I call dysphoria. And if you never had dysphoria, it is the nastiest feeling ever. No motivation to do anything or to think anything at all. You feel worthless and your life has always been shit and you don’t amount to anything but shit, and nobody loves you. It is beyond depression, and you feel just like you want to crawl into a little hole in the wall and die

Even though headaches and depression are the most talked about side effects of quitting coffee. There were some cool side effects or changes in my body that I was unaware of.

The first thing I noted, and it was a pleasant surprise, is that my blood pressure plummeted to the most amicable numbers I’ve ever seen. My…

