Kamala, or Kalamity
The choice is yours: an open letter to undecided voters
Imagine that you have worked all your life to build a company. Now, you are in charge of a large corporation demanding steady control and intelligent decision-making. You are about to step down and desperately need to hire a top manager. The moment is critical, and you don’t have much time. Any misstep in the hiring process could lead to disaster.
Only two people have applied for this job, and you only have a few moments to decide.
Candidate number one is a 78-year-old male, a convicted criminal found guilty on 34 counts, with a history of sexual abuse, and found guilty of raping a woman in NYC. Also, his Entertainment Resorts have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection four times. It has a history of racism and white supremacy sympathizing. He can only communicate effectively with fringe individuals, constantly maintaining a hatred towards all others who do not agree with him.
He has a history of not listening to his advisers and claims he is the only one with access to the truth. He also does not have extended experience for the job he is being hired. Oh, and he refuses to undergo health evaluation, so you suspect this person is incontinent, as you notice the foul smell in the interviewing room.