Biden Won Even Though he Lost

Let me try to explain

Leonardo Del Toro
3 min read4 days ago

If you think Biden lost last night due to his poor speaking performance, you’re an idiot, and if you are an idiot, you’re already voting for Trump. Does it matter in the end? Our fate is sealed.

There was no debate. Biden fumbles and Trump's lies go unchecked.

The contrast was stunning. Never before have we seen lies so eloquently said and truths so poorly pronounced. Two men: one a liar and a criminal who shouldn’t have the privilege of being there and didn’t answer one question. The other is the President of the United States, a man of integrity who stuttered and had a cold but answered the questions with fact-checked truths.

But who cares? This election is not even about who has the best answer. What is on our ballot is our democracy. Our right to vote, our right to justice, our freedom of speech, our freedom of reproduction health. And if you’re willing to flush all of that down the toilet because Trump was eloquent about lies, you are an idiot. And if you’re this dumb, you’ll not be living in a democracy for long.

What a bunch of BS. If you can’t discern and tell apart what is true and what is a lie, then you are, in fact, an idiot. Let’s see how many idiots this nation truly has in November.

